Get World-Class Customer Assistance. Win Time for Bigger Tasks.

Hire Reso - your AI customer support companion.

AI companion that cares about Founders

Text about how Reso was born in REALITY, based on real problems / cases based on our expertise as founders.

  • 1

    Onboard him like a human

    Talk with the Reso like with a human companion and train him on any of your data.

  • 2

    Keep an eye on the important

    Reso gives you concise insights into what’s happening, so you never miss an important issue or valuable feedback from customers.

  • 3

    Grows and learns with you

    Reso always strives for improvement, listens to the critique and never repeats his mistakes.

  • 4

    Goes beyond chat

    Text about action model potential features of Reso

Your Customers Happy 24/7 You Are Finally Not Burning

Text about the overall problem of founders in customer support: hard to maintain yourself, expensive to hire a team

  • Instant answers to any product questions
    Text about the value of answering any questions in a human-like conversation
  • Resolve customers' issues at the highest speed
    Text about the value of resolving issues that customers have
  • Gather valuable feedback to grow your product
    Text about the value of never missing ideas and wishes from customers
  • Easy integration to your channels
    Text about different types for integration to any of your channels: widget, email bot
  • Latest agents workflow
    Text about the use of top models like GPT4-o and a team of agents 2024 flow

Expert Support Agent Tailored to Your Product

Check for yourself Reso's conversational abilities on the products you know and love.

Notion logo

Notionsupport bot

Want to add columns to the table? Need to know how to integrate with Google Drive, Loom, or any custom third-party app? Looking to manage projects effectively with tailored workflows and tools?

Salesforce collection preview

Slacksupport bot

Need to find a message you sent last year in the #dev channel? Want to enable Asana to see task notifications directly in Slack? Looking to disable specific thread notifications to reduce noise?

Github mark

Githubsupport bot

Want to commit suggested changes? Need to connect your CI/CD pipeline in CircleCI to your repo? Looking to disable comments and annotations by CodeCov when reviewing a PR?

Fair Pricing

Get world-class customer assistance and pay only for actual resolutions by Reso. Perfect for growing products, seasons and unstable support load.
Emoji cloud SVG Emoji sun SVG

$0.6 per resolution

$ year

$0.6 per resolution

Have questions? Just ask Reso

Centered Application Embed

Our Mission

At the REsolution team, we want every business to access World-Class Customer Assistance. With the power of AI agentic flow, we allow busy founders to focus on what they do best: building stuff, while still being on top of their Customer support.

Made by founders

We can feel your pain, bro.

  • Rectangle 174
    Vlad Sirenko
    Alexander is passionate about web, tech and the startup industry.
  • Ava lisbon
    Serge Mosin

    I'm a Ph.D. in CS and a Software Engineer with over 12 years of experience with large b2b products and ML, before it became mainstream. Everywhere I worked I had close experience with Customer support teams.

Hire Your Customer Support Companion Among the First

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